
We are a rescue for abused horses, however, we are in a transition time as we prepare for our partnership with Emma's Education Center (www.emmacenter.com) to provide a working ranch within a two hour drive of Dallas - Ft Worth.  When complete, our ranch will not only house rescue horses and donkeys, but it will house a two-fold ministry.  The first ministry is our original dream, a respite center for women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse.  The second ministry will provide a host home for those adults with intellectual disabilities who can no longer live with their families for various reasons.

The dream for those who are coming for respite is that they will be able to work one on one with a horse, a week at a time, to provide inner healing and strength.  Women will come for an entire week and receive lodging and meals, as well as access to group sessions and individual sessions.

The dream for those with intellectual disabilities is to work the ranch and take care of the horses each day so that horses are available for our women's respite center.  While working the ranch, they will foster an atmosphere of teamwork and achieve completion each and every day, on their level.  Meals are provided for each adult being hosted and working the ranch.  The group eats together. The group plays together. The group bonds together. Their living quarters are private (unless they want to room with a friend) and the things in their room belong to them. They have a door that locks (and they have the key) and each room is not only ADA compliant, but it meets the State of Texas safety standards. 

But much work still needs to be done.  We have to find our place.  Then we have to begin a capital fund raising plan to meet the needs of building our unique ranch.  Once we have found the place that works for us, we will continue the Dream Big campaign and begin raising funds.

We invite you to stand with us by making a donation.  Please use our SPONSOR page to do that.

Together, the sky is the limit.